Saturday 15 August 2015

Negativity is unGodly

Speaking to Stanley a friend of mine last night, about customs and traditions of black South Africans I realized something very true when you think about it. He was telling me as to why he is so thankful to God for having me as a friend.He explained that since he has been around me he has changed a lot as a person and has learned a lot from me. I have unknowingly made known to him the true meaning of life's most basic concepts and also brought to his attention things that are important in life which he was not aware of. Things like: Love, mercy, kindness, patience and the like. Many of us think we know these things so we don't discuss them or share them with others, when in actual fact we know very little about them or don't know how to apply these concepts in our lives. Here's an example of our mindset, we say we know what kindness is and believe in it yet we say," I will only help those who help me in return. " That's not kindness that is investment. We know what forgiveness is, yet we only forgive after a person has paid for his mistakes, that's not forgiveness that is revenge! Many of us are confused because of traditional beliefs and other social concepts. It makes me wonder if people actually ever ponder on the true meaning of these things, and how they could apply them to their lives. As a Zulu boy, I was taught from a young age that I shouldn't do certain things as they bring bad luck, things like, you shouldn't cut your nails indoors or never sweep dirt out at night. These teachings only instilled in me a sense of fear and uncertainty, when they don't really mean anything. In a way I was taught to think of the negative first before doing something,for example, when a friend says to me 'let's go bungee jumping this weekend' first thing that crosses my mind is, 'what if the rope snaps?', then I would refuse to go, or if I think of starting a business, I would think of,'what if I don't get customers or what if it flops'. Point is, it has been instilled in me from a young age to think of the negative first, which has robbed me of opportunities and happiness in my life. Let us try to encourage each other brothers and sisters, let us try to educate each other and instill positivity in our lives,reach for the sky and whatever may come your way know that you are strong enough to handle it, so face it. You cannot achieve anything if you not willing to risk anything. God is the architect of your life, anything that you are not sure of He has the answer,but first we have to get to know him and learn from him. We hear it all the time, God loves you, but have you ever asked yourself 'what's this LOVE god has for me?'. When you find the answer to that question, you will know who you truly are and what really matters in your life.