Thursday 8 September 2016

Biggest Manchester derby ever!

United and City clash this weekend in a standout amongst the most enthusiastically anticipated derbies in late memory.

City have won three times and drew one of their last five top flight meetings with United at Old Trafford.

Altogether, there have been 171 derby games played between Manchester United and Manchester City. Amid these epic conflicts, there have been some extraordinary moments that will live long in the memory.

Jose Mourinho's United and City, under the order of his old foe Pep Guardiola, have delighted in 100 percent winning starts as countless pounds worth of summer purchases in the transfer time frame. It is being charged as the most costly match-up ever with the first ever meeting on English soil between old enemies Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola and, given their history, it will be a thriller!

In the interim, City's star striker Sergio Aguero is suspended, while United's new front-man Zlatan Ibrahimovic has started in fine form with four goals in four matches. We are set for a thriller at Old Trafford.

Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem By: Johnny Kicklighter

A Review & Critique of Dr. David Tyler's book, "Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem.

If one didn't look at the title of Dr. Tyler's book, "Jesus Christ: Self-Denial or Self-Esteem," they might think they were reading a book about the life of Christ instead of a refutation of the self-esteem movement. Dr. Tyler takes a different approach that's characteristic of some of the other books on critiquing self-esteem. He doesn't exclusively argue that the self-esteem position is defective from a humanistic psychological approach as Paul Vitz does. Nor does he attempt to contrast each heretical thought and compare it to an exhaustive look at scripture references. Instead, he compares the notion of selfism to the life and practices of Jesus Christ. By so doing, he demonstrates that self-esteem flies directly in the face of what Christ was teaching others, especially His very own disciples.

In the introduction, Dr. Tyler makes the case that the new pop culture words, self-image, self-esteem and self-worth have one central focus: self. This being a recent phenomena (within the past 25 years), it has had a significant influence on the church and its teachings. He quotes Robert Schuller who says that a new reformation is needed and that being one centering on self-esteem. (It's ironic that Schuller uses the word reformation. "The Reformation," nearly 500 years ago, affirmed the utter ruin and insufficiency of man's condition and reinforced the complete sufficiency of scripture, grace, faith and Christ-a complete and utter opposition of what Schuller wants.) Dr. Tyler seeks to declare that the Bible's emphasis is on self-denial, a concept that is apparently anathema to modern day authors. And where are, Dr. Tyler asks, the words of Jesus when he supposedly tells his followers to "love themselves, esteem themselves, accept themselves, believe in themselves, develop a healthy self-image, or nurture feelings of significance and worth?" Dr. Tyler looks for them in the next three chapters of his book as he explores the words, works, and parables of Christ.

Dr. Tyler explores Christ's encounter with various people. Jesus was always other-oriented in that He was continually about His father's business. His baptism, the cleansing of the temple and the meeting with the Samaritan women are just a few examples that Dr. Tyler cites as proof. The most striking evidence appears in Christ's Sermon on the Mount where Jesus tells the crowd how to obtain blessedness (happiness). One would expect to find here Christ giving exhortation on seeking self-affirmation if the self-esteem zealots were true. However, Dr. Tyler cites five Beatitudes that Christ preached which further disappoints the selfism crowd. Christ proclaimed blessedness would occur to those who are poor in spirit, mourn, practice meekness, are hungry and thirsty for righteousness, and are merciful.

Leaving Christ's words, Dr. Tyler explores the miracles of Jesus Christ. Jesus used miracles as proof of His divine authority, to give substance to His words, and also to demonstrate his other-oriented attitude by offering love and sympathy for mankind. Dr. Tyler gives several examples, healing of the leper and the Roman centurion's servant, the calming for the Sea of Galilee, the demon-possessed man, to name a few. This shows Christ was focused on meeting the needs of others. Dr. Tyler also leaves the self-love advocates with a question as to where was the person who cried "I hate myself, I feel inferior and inadequate; heal me Son of David;" (not in Galilee apparently).

Dr. Tyler uses the parables to further prove that Christ was other-oriented. He gives a brief explanation on the purpose of parables. He explains the dilemma that many find as to why Christ spoke in parables, i.e., Christ intentionally hid from the disobedient and rebellious His mysteries. Dr. Tyler's quotation from G. Campbell Morgan seems out of step however as Campbell's quote muddies the water. It appears inconsistent with Matthew 13:15b. "lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them."

Dr. Tyler closes his book by acknowledging that undeniably self-esteemism is found in the scriptures. It's origin is in Genesis 3:6, "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat." This was the beginning of mankind becoming self-oriented. It's clear to the reader that support for current selfism philosophy cannot be gleaned from the teachings or the life of Christ. Christ was certainly focused on doing His Father's business as well as relieving the suffering of others.

Author Bio
Johnny is a counselor at Gateway Biblical Counseling & Training Center. The counseling center is a ministry of Edgemont Bible Church,

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Wednesday 7 September 2016

Fidel Castro was key in South Africa's liberation

History will undoubtedly remember Fidel Castro in connection with the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The showdown was triggered by the US discovery that the Soviet Union was installing in Cuba nuclear missiles capable of reaching the American soil. Before the dust finally settled, the crisis brought mankind to the brink of nuclear annihilation.

Was Castro excessively overzealous in inviting nuclear weapons a mere 90 miles from Florida? To him, the weapons were a deterrent to American provocations. After all, in April 1961 the US had sponsored the Bay of Pigs, the abortive invasion of Cuba to topple the Castro regime.

Since the 1959 Cuban Revolution, American policy towards Cuba has been unduly hostile. It has sustained brutal economic sanctions against the small island of 15 million people simply because US differed with its socialist ideology. Is this a case of the Cuban tail wagging the American dog?

During the 1979 Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Havana, I personally witnessed the impact of the socialist ideology that so alarmed the Americans. I saw makeshift healthcare shacks, including dental clinics, on the streets of Havana, offering free services. The US is still struggling to devise universal health coverage for its citizens.

I do not speak Spanish, Cuba's only language, but the sense of dignified affirmation was unmistakable among Cubans. This included a Black policewoman who directed heavy Havana rush-hour traffic. Her body language said it all. She knew that she was somebody, a Cuban by right, and Cuba was her society. Unequivocally, she knew that the colour of her skin was not held against her. The sense of insecurity, alienation and defiance so commonplace among non-whites of North America was conspicuously missing.

Absence of crime in Havana was startling. Inevitably, security for international delegates to the Havana Summit was crucial to the Cuban authorities. Yet, we were not assigned protection, armed or unarmed, on the streets of Havana or anywhere. And, no place was no-go zone. Amid all this, I kept recalling that Cuba was the only third world country that exported doctors and technicians as an official policy.

Mandela's testimony

By all indications, the Cuban socialist system was not so bad after all; it seemed to work for Cubans. Should they have dropped it just to suit the whims of the US?

Regarding Global Africa, Castro's foreign policy was informed by two fundamental convictions: that Cuba's liberation from Spain in the 19th Century required and got active co-operation of Black Cubans. Additionally, the Cuban society is what it is because of inputs of Afro-Cubans. They injected vital elements into the way that all Cubans think, act, eat, celebrate, dance, organise and defy. In sum, Castro leadership felt a profound sense of indebtedness to Africa, a compensation owed.

On his Inauguration Day as the first democratically elected President of South Africa in 1994, Nelson Mandela gave Fidel Castro a big bear hug and whispered, "We owe this day to you". Was Mandela overstating the case?

In 1987 and 1988 Cubans, alongside Angolan MPLA forces, engaged apartheid South African troops for 137 days in Southern Angola, ultimately driving them back to Namibia. Though not crushed, the apartheid war machine was deeply humiliated by the defeats in those series of battles in Cuito Canavale. The myth of invincibility of the white military machine in Southern Africa was forever shattered. The Cuban-MPLA triumphs so humiliated and demoralised the apartheid regime that its eventual liquidation was inevitable.

The political fallout of the Cuito Canavale encounters was indeed far-reaching. With South Africa's military intrusions out of the way, Angola focused on consolidating its independence. The way for Namibia's independence was also paved. Military resistance within South Africa was intensified. Finally, in February 1990, the ANC ban was lifted and Nelson Mandela freed.

Clearly, Castro's Cuba had much to do with the liberation of Southern Africa. And all Cuba expected in return was for its soldiers to be allowed to "bring home the remains of their dead". Indeed, Mandela meant every word in stating that Castro had played a crucial role in his nation's liberation.

While withdrawing from public life, Fidel Castro has left this world more just than he found it. Who could ask for more?
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'Cooning' Uncle Ben Carson Tries To Convince Trevor Noah He's Not Insane For Backing Trump — and He Fails Miserably By: Brendan Gauthier

No matter how he tries to explain it, Ben Carson still can't give a good reason for supporting Trump. Dr. Ben Carson, a former brain surgeon is a despicable excuse for a black man -- and earns the "Uncle Tom" label because, quite frankly, he demeans other black people, all while masquerading as a crusader for black causes. How a man so talented in medicine could be such a dimwit outside of said practice is, in itself, a medical mystery.


Noah led with a question about Carson's initial endorsement of Trump, during which he argued that, should it be as terrible as we think, a Trump presidency would be only a minor four-year blip in history. Not quite the ringing endorsement a candidate would want.

"What I actually said is that would be the worst case scenario," Carson responded. "My real point was, if our country turns into something else other than a place where your hard work and your moral compass and your sense of responsibility is the most important thing, if it turns more like one of the other countries in the world, it will no longer be America. And that will be forever. That will be for more than four years."

That was a long way to go to say absolutely nothing.

Asked how his "moral compass," being a Seventh-Day Adventist and such, aligns with an "inflammatory" Donald Trump, Carson proved that for all his success, nothing he's ever done has proved harder than defending The Donald.

"One of the things that you learn to do as a surgeon is make decisions," Carson said. "And you have to be able to prioritize. And what I'm most concerned about is the thing that led me into the race in the first place … the amount of corruption that goes on in our country."

Cooning Ben Carson Endorses Trump
Cooning Ben Carson Endorses Trump

"I want an outsider. I want someone who's not beholding to this corrupt system," he continued. "Because I believe that's the only chance the next generation has."

Ben Carson tries to convince Trevor Noah he's not insane for backing Trump — and he fails miserably. "Daily Show" host Trevor Noah last night welcomed former-Republican presidential candidate and current Donald Trump surrogate, Dr. Ben Carson.
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What Is It That Motivates You

By: Roy E. Klienwachter

Motivation is a call to action; a thought that says it's time to move on an idea. It is the mind that makes the call; it's time to create an experience or demonstrate physically a thought in action. And the physical world is the playground for thoughts manifested into experience.

It's 8 am, two days after Christmas and I am sitting at my desk in front of my computer at home. A ship has been tied up at dock for two days just below my window. It is getting ready to set sail, its cargo fully loaded and the captain eager to move. He makes the decision and calls for tugs to pull him from the dock. The lines are pulled and the powerful little tugs ease the ship from its moorings. The captain's desire to move has been set in motion and the ship is off to fulfill its destiny.

The ship is the vessel for the mind, which is the captain. So which of these (captain or ship) is life and which is inanimate? Which is needed to demonstrate a ship filled with cargo sailing the ocean to another port? Without the ship there is no captain, and without the captain there is no ship; the experience cannot be manifested. They are inseparable and intimately connected. Both are objects of an experience imagined; it is only the experience that is real. It is the experience that is being manifested not the objects. There must be thought first, then intent, and cooperation between captain and vessel.

The very nature of life is movement. Where there is no movement you will find no life or no will to move. For humanity, movement requires an interaction with other things. Life wants to be recognized as being alive and therefore it seeks out other life forms to demonstrate its own existence. But it also uses so called lifeless things to accomplish the same thing. The separation between life forms is really just an illusion.

It is the mind wanting the body to move forward, and it has instructed the right leg to move first. The right leg then rests and waits for the left leg to catch up and move forward. Both are now working together in harmony with what the mind wants. We now have life demonstrated or experienced as being alive because it is moving; it is a thought put into motion. In other words a thought experienced physically.

All objects are alive in the truest sense of the word in that they have movement at a molecular level. We don't consider them sentient, but it is life, and it is the same life that animates us. It uses the same intelligence or mind to animate. There is not a separate mind for sentience or non sentience life.

Does the right leg know why it is moving or that the left leg and body will follow its lead? Is it only the mind that knows intent and outcome of movement? Likewise the ego commands spirit; not the other way around as we have been taught. The ego is the captain, the spirit is the power which creates, and it is the mind that motivates these actions. This is backwards from most religious teachings.

All physical elements are a thought manifested. If you are religious then you will know that it was God's thoughts made manifest as a physical universe. There is intelligence in everything you see, touch, smell, taste or feel. All things are moving at a molecular level and respond to thought. That has been demonstrated by quantum physicists in lab experiments many times. The thoughts of the observer influence the movement of sub molecular particles that he/she is watching.

I have been cooped up in my house for three days except for the times spent during the day to keep my car from being buried by the snow plow. In fear of loosing my space I have not been motivated to move the car anywhere. I am the only one on the street who has bothered to shovel out their space. I fear that as soon as I leave, the space will be filled, and I will have no place to park. Of course there are other choices; there always are.

Quite possibly the desire to move is not strong enough or I am missing the insight into the benefits of getting out of my box. Right now the coffin is feeling comfortable, but at the same time I am starting to feel a bit closed in (cabin fever). I don't celebrate Christmas, so I have missed out on the opportunity to be with others. I could have reached out to be with others who don't celebrate the season but I chose not to. The fact is that I'm loosing energy, my batteries need to be recharged and I need to find life so that I know I'm alive.

At this point I left the computer on and took a chance that my parking spot would still be there when I returned. I had breakfast and then purchased some groceries; all the time talking to as many people as possible. My energy level now moving up, my only concern was my parking spot. Coming up the hill on my street I noticed from a distance that a car was in my spot. Before I had time to panic I recognized the car as my neighbor's, and we agreed that he would move in there when I was gone to protect my spot.

So I manifested everything well. My left hand served my right and I did everything that I wanted. All of the fear that I had for the last four days was a waist of time. My thoughts are our own worst enemy.

However, the hidden thought was that I would prove or disprove my theory about a car moving into my spot. Because that was foremost on my mind; connecting with people may not have been the intent but a motive. Both events happened, a car had moved in, but it was with a prior arrangement and one I physically had control over. He wasn't home when I left, so the real challenge was to have him come back before me and before anyone else could take of the space.

This is just one simple little situation that happens to every one of us every day. In hindsight we can all see how well we created our circumstances and how things work out for us. The bottom line has not been revealed in this situation. There is no doubt that I overcame the fear that was holding me back from leaving my parking spot. But did I do it to prove my theory about someone moving in as soon as I left or did I demonstrate that by overcoming fear, things work out in my favour; that it works for me?

What was the low energy or antsy feeling about? Did that come first as a way to motivate me to move forward? Or did I want to demonstrate my thoughts about my space and then create the low energy and closed in feeling? For four days I have been thinking about the parking. I only noticed the low energy this morning.

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that for most of the time that we do things, and we do not know why we do or want them. For instance we may say that we want a million dollars so that we can be happy. But what is it that we really want. We may get the million a few months after requesting it, and then at the same time we get terminal cancer. So where is the happiness? The truth is that if we wanted to experience happiness we did not need to create the million dollars. We could have a thought about being happy and then experience it in any situation. We could also manifest a million dollars just for the sake of experiencing it without any emotion attached. If the intent is not understood your desire may not be experienced.

The truth is that most of us just lumber forward putting one foot in front of the other trying to maintain our balance and without not really knowing why or where it will lead us.

Although this really is the only purpose for life, it does not satisfy the ego. The proof is in this writing. When I started it I had know idea where it was going. I just wanted to fill up some space. My ego is now satisfied.

Life is movement; that is all it is. It has no motive, no purpose, and no feelings. Life is spirit driven by the desire of the mind to animate the body to experience something physical. It is not a learning process; it is a doing process. And as for your involvement; reading this article is simply an opportunity for you to dismiss it as being either this or that in your experience. It only has purpose or value if you give it some. You'll find that all experiences in your life are like that. You create them to experience something or nothing at all. It's still all about doing.

When you discover the difference between your motivation and what your intent is; you will better be able to focus your power to create what you really want, and get the correct results.

What motivates you? What are your intentions and are they in harmony with desire?
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Instant Recall

Instant Recall: Are recalls happening more frequently or are companies just more cautious? And what steps should your company take in the event of a recall?

Tuesday 6 September 2016

IT Jobs: A promising Future by: Irishnewjob

Information technology has entered almost in all sphere of our life. From electricity bill payment to shopping all are related and effected by IT in some way to other. Industries are automating their task to cut down manual labor cost. Home appliances, industrial machines, watch, automobiles are using software to enhance the quality of products. As a result demand of IT professionals is high in market.

IT jobs are promising, it offers hefty salary package with immense opportunity to grow and expand your career. If you are expert in your field and have good knowledge on your subject then you can easily get handsome salary package. All you need to have to build your career in It industry is right degree and skill, it is the only qualification you need to make your career in IT industry. If your are fresher and looking for primary level IT jobs then internet could help you in finding your avenue but for specialist level and higher standard IT jobs you have to rely on your professional contact as most of the organizations did not disclose higher level job opening at job portals.

You can start your IT career as a software engineer, web developer, database manager and IT Hardware professional. To accelerate your IT career it is important to update your skill from time to time. Learn industry level skill and enhance your capability. Course offered by SAP and Oracle are very promising though it is not easy to clear these exams but once you become SAP or Oracle certified professional you value will increase in the industry.

Searching IT Jobs is not a tough job there are various online portals and IT recruitment companies dealing in IT jobs. Job portals are more useful as there you can see different openings posted by numbers of IT companies. IT jobs are promising; it is one of the well-paid industries with fast growth rate. Start hunting for your dream IT job with online portals and give right shape to your career.